District Equipping Sessions

2024 Equipping Sessions


“South Sudan update: Challenges and opportunities for the Brethren”

Coming Up:

August 3, 2024, 11am, at District Conference

“Reflections by the District Executive on the Northern Plains District and…well…anything”

Presenter: Tim Button-Harrison


This will be a conversation, moderated by Gordon Hoffert but which invites the participation of all present, on the broad experience and insights of our DE, formed over his 33 years of service within the Northern Plains District.

Bio: Tim has been our District Executive for over 17 years and is presently the longest-serving DE among Church of the Brethren districts. Previously Tim was co-pastor with his wife, Mary Jane, of the Ankeny and Ivester congregations. Tim is also the part-time Minister of Worship and Discipleship at the Ames Disciples of Christ Church where Mary Jane is senior pastor. In his spare time, Tim manages his 40-acre “nature reserve” south of Ivester.

2023 Equipping Sessions

Session Recordings
